You Can Entrust Your Child to Us
Usually, we always welcome the children in the morning, then read prayers together before studying, pray Duha together in each class, study the Holy Quran, pray dhuhur together.

National Curriculum
Curriculum 2013

International Curriculum
Active English for Daily Conversation, Math English, Sains

Islamic Curriculum
Tahfizh 2 Juz, Tahsin Metode UMMI

How Effective Is What
Our School Use?
A school that has just been established wants to produce children who have high morals, become a generation with a global outlook, and achievers.
Watch Our School Profile Video
A school that has just been established wants to produce children who have high morals, become a generation with a global outlook, and achievers.
Our Teachers and Officer

Titik Nurhayati

Siti Alfiah, S. Pd

Sarach Khoirunnisa

Ryan Muhammad A. S.

Nurhayati, S.T

Nindya Permata Sari, S.S, M.Pd

Nia Rahmawati, S. Pd.I

Latifah Choiriyah, S.Pd

Dewi Masyithah

Ayu Citra

Astrie Fauzi, S. S

Shinta Wiratna

Mila Lenasari

Alisya Salma Meryna

Tria Saumu Hanifah

Nada Aulia Septiarini, S.Pd

Istianah, M.Pd

Aulia Fachrunisah, S.Pd

Adinda Sholihah, S.Pd

Shinta Sulistianingsih, S.Pd

Abdul Khamid, S.Pd

Yulia Hapsani Pohan, S.Pd

Nurul Apria

Cahyani, S.Pd

Elina Aprilia Ekaputri, S.Pd

Syifa Aulia Mufida S.M

Dian Sukma Sari, S.Pd

Syahrani Ayu Maulidini, S.S

Nadia, S.Pd

Ucu Sa’diyah, S.Pd

Syahriah, S.Pd

Maryam Jamylah

Bondan Larasati, S.S

Abdul Aziz, S.Pd

M. Sulaiman, S.Kom

Robby Anwar, S.Pd

Nanang Syarifuddin, S.H

Asep Saepudin, S.Pd
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Teaching materials are weapons for teaching and learning activities, if the weapon is good then target achievement will be faster.
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They package learning very interestingly, prioritizing the essence without leaving aesthetics.